Saturday 12 October 2013

My First Post

Hello and welcome to my Blog. My name is David Harding, over the next 3 years I will be studying BA Game Art at St. Helens College. The first Module is designing a room, I have decided to do a room based on the Titanic.

I like the design of this fireplace and will try and replicate this in my room
I like the intricacy of the lights and will use this as a template, I don't think I will reproduce them exactly but will use certain aspects of them.
The windows and curtains will be used as my light source within my room.

The couch in the left hand corner is another asset I will try to replicate in my room as best as I can.
Although not in the room the border which that surrounds the door is very interesting and I will use this in my room around my doors.
As one of the more memorable parts of the film i will also reproduce the couch.
I like the doors and designs in these pictures. The wooden paneling and wallpaper is also something I will be reproducing in in my room. I will be using my own wallpaper that I will source from the real world. In the bottom picture you can see that the the room has carpets, as with the wallpaper i will also source this material from the real world.

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